Au fil de la naissance.
We support pregnancy projects in the 19 brussels communes and the surrounding area.

“Specifically trained to monitor pregnancy,
childbirth and the aftercare of childbirth, the midwife is a professional who
helps mothers and families prepare for parenthood, from pregnancy through to the
postpartum period.”
Who are we ?

” Au Fil de la Naissance provides support in
preparing for birth and parenthood, as well as postpartum support for mothers
and families until the child is 1 year old “
« Au fil de la naissance » is a group of independent midwives offering a range of perinatal support services in the Brussels region.
Medical monitoring of your pregnancy with just you or in partnership with your gynaecologist.
Preparation for birth and parenthood.
Breastfeeding consultations and individualised support for infant feeding (breast and bottle feeding).
Postnatal consultations at home.
We work closely with several hospitals in the Brussels region.
We welcome you according to your needs. We can come to your home for the comfort of a home visit or give you a consultation at our practice. We are here to support you safely at every stage of your pregnancy, before, during and after childbirth.
If you’re looking for a midwife in Brussels or the surrounding area, don’t hesitate to contact us. We’ll be happy to tell you all about our personalised pregnancy care and maternal and child health services
Our rates
As registered midwives, we charge the INAMI rates for medical monitoring of your pregnancy and postpartum care. This means that if you are affiliated to a Belgian mutual insurance company, you are reimbursed at 100%. You do not have to pay the consultation fee in advance (third-party payment principle).
If you are not affiliated to a Belgian mutual insurance company, but to a private insurance fund, we ask you to pay the price of the consultation according to the rates in force for midwives approved by the RIZIV. However, you will then be reimbursed by your insurance company
During your initial contact, the midwife will tell you how much you should expect to pay for the consultation. Fees can vary in function of the age of the baby .
For childbirth preparation sessions, the cost depends on the type of session (overall preparation, hypnosis, breastfeeding, etc.) and the midwife involved. Your health insurance company will provide partial reimbursement. However, this can be topped-up if you are affiliated to a complementary insurance scheme. Don’t hesitate to ask about the fees charged by the midwife.
Finally, you may be asked to pay for travel and equipment. These will vary depending on where you live and the day of your midwife’s visit to Brussels.

Our philosophy
EAs midwives, our approach is centred on the health and well-being of women and newborn babies. This applies throughout pregnancy, childbirth and the postnatal period. We advocate a holistic approach to modern health. This considers the physical, emotional, spiritual and social needs of both mother and child.
We see pregnancy, childbirth and the postnatal period as natural life events. That’s why we aim to offer a positive and respectful birth experience for everyone. In other words, we encourage the active participation of women in all decisions concerning their health and that of their child.
Our aim is to give women the information and tools they need to make informed decisions about their health and that of their child. That’s why we base our philosophy on prevention and health education. The relationship of trust between the pregnant woman and the midwife who accompanies her is of paramount importance to us.
Contact your midwife in Brussels
There’s just one number: 0478/32 68 38, which you can call between 6.30 a.m. and 6.00 p.m. if you need to be seen at home the next day.
For all non-urgent requests for information, contact one of our midwives in Brussels and the surrounding area. You will then be able to make your choice according to your commune or the subject of your request.

If you would like to set up as an independent midwife, don’t hesitate to apply to join our team. We recruit regularly, so send us your CV and covering letter using the contact form. Midwifery students looking for a placement can also send us a message. We only welcome students provided they are in their 3rd and 4th year of a bachelor’s degree in midwifery. However, we do not offer prenatal consultation placements.

Some useful links
- Union professionnelle des Sages-Femmes Belges (rights and procedures during pregnancy, the role of the midwife, etc.)
- Organisation mondiale de la Santé
- L’ONE, , Office of birth and childhood (downloadable information brochures (Fr))
- Kind & Gezin Flemish Office of Child and Family (downloadable information brochures (downloadable information brochures (Vl)).
- L’INAMI, Institut national d’assurance maladie-invalidité (National Institute for Health and Disability Insurance).
- La Leche league Belge et Française (site internet de référence en allaitement, plus d’articles et de références mais les contacts sont en France).